Karen F Rose My Painting Journey

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An Australian Terrier

When going for a walk, joggers would often
comment about our dog, "What kind of dog is he?"
they would ask.

"An Australian Terrier", we'd smile and say.
On this cold day I am reminded of him.
After 14 years of our walks in the all kinds of weather,
we miss him.

1 comment:

Kat Brown said...

I was searching online for some Degas landscapes and found your blog! This sweet painting of your dog and your comment about missing the walks you took brought tears to my eyes for 2 reasons. I have a very dear friend who had an Australian Terrier who died recently...and I had to have my own dog euthanized just before Christmas...I had her for 14 years too. I'm so sorry for your loss. And thank you for sharing your beautiful art.